The Swedish National Organization for Young Rheumatics is a democratic, non-profit organisation, which is non-partisan and religiously independent for young rheumatics between 0-30 years old.

Our vision is that young rheumatics should feel joy and be able to fulfil their dreams.
We create meeting places, spread knowledge, drive public opinion, and contribute to research on rheumatism.

Research on rheumatism

With The Swedish National Organization for Young Rheumatics research fund, we work with collection and distribution for clinical research related to rheumatic disease in children, youths and young adults.


Spreading knowledge

We spread information and knowledge about rheumatic diseases in children, youths, and young adults. We also have patient representatives that meet people in the healthcare industry to affect and change how young people with rheumatic disease is met as patients.

Creating meeting places

We organize four national camps each year for: toddlers, children, youths, and young adults. Our regional associations also arrange activities for their members. We also have support friends that our members can talk to for support, guidance, and cheer.

Drive public opinion

We conduct opinion and advocacy work for the rights of young rheumatics in society, health and healthcare, school, working life and research.


If you want to know more or get in touch with us send us an e-mail to: [email protected]


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